Friday, May 13, 2005



My Mimosa Pudica sensitive plant, that I planted in April, has started to grow!! Here's the evidence:

Mimosa Pudica

There's a great video of a grown plant retracting (apparently called thigmonasty) when a flame comes near here.

In other growth, 13 of my giant sunflowers have germinated and spurting forth. My pumpkins are still completely lifeless yet though, and being impatient, I've changed the environment of a couple of them to see if it makes a difference. It's only supposed to take 12 days for them to germinate but they still haven't yet. Our venus flytrap also seems to be growing a new mouth after lots of the little ones went black and fell off. The big ones seem to be doing well though.
Mad plant things. I don't know about plants but I remember studying the Venus Pudica in History of Art. Perhaps that has nothing to do with the plant.

I have no scientific mind whatsoever.
hehe, I just looked it up and it seems:

"Venus pudica" is a term used to describe a classic figural pose in Western art. In this, an unclothed female (either standing or reclining) keeps one hand covering her private parts.

I have no historical/artistic mind!
That's really weird! Did they name the plant after the art thing? I suppose they must have.
It's so good when a seedling finally comes through, the only thing is I get a little bit over protective and take them for trips in the garden.
*Well, either that or the planet, or the god. What am I talking about?
Well, just done a bit more research and it turns out that Venus is obviously the God of love, and pudica means "bashful". So Venus pudica means "bashful venus". Therefore the name of the plant, Mimosa Pudica, obviously means a shy Mimosa - hence why it curls up if you touch it.
Ahh. A shy plant.
Ah, it all makes sense now.

I planted some herbs today. Sweet Basil, coriander, chives and parsley. I have a nice herb pot thing that mum got me. Hope they grow soon. I love fresh basil, I put it in everything.
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