Thursday, May 05, 2005



After my wife and I went upto Colehill Church Hall to vote, we went out in the garden. At the weekend my wife suggested a pact that after work we don't sit in front of the computer vegging out, as we normally do, but we go out in the garden and enjoy it, making it look nice. So, as last night, we went out and carried on digging over the bed which we're wanting to turn into a vegetable patch (a different kind of vegging out!). It's really hard work because it's been taken over by grass, whose roots all intermingle with each other making each stab of the fork very difficult to remove from the ground. We've managed to cover about one third of the bed in two nights.

Before any work was done - a right mess

Look at all the crap in the wheelbarrow that I dug out of the bed!

I'm finding it quite liberating. Being a weakling, pale, insignificant computer programmer, it's good to be able to get out and be one with nature.. er.. kinda.. well, for me, digging over a veg patch really feels like that. The quietness of the garden, the fresh air... the exercise! What with the salsa, the gardening and my 25 mile bike ride at the weekend, I might actually get fit.
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