Friday, April 08, 2005



You're going to hear alot about this....

I hate driving. I never used to. In fact, I used to love it, but as I've got older and now approaching my mid-life crisis, I'm beginning to hate it. In fact, it's not the driving, it's the people. I'm beginning to hate people - people driving anyway.

I travel 32 miles to work, and back again, all on motorways, and the amount of bad driving I see is incredible. It's a wonder we haven't all been wiped out. I reckon at least 90% of drivers are crap at it, and yet they all think they're the best.

I saw two incidents today that made me fume. I'll tell you about the first in another post, but the second made me lean on my horn and get on the light flasher stick. I believe nearly 50% of crap driving is down to impatience, and today's twat was certainly that.

As I'm nearing home on the dual carriageway, I have to tackle a number of small roundabouts, the last of which I have to turn right at, so on the penultimate one I make sure I'm in the outside lane. It's only about 500 yards from roundabout to roundabout, so it's not long to wait. But a prat in one of those stupid people movers (damn they need a post of their own) couldn't wait. He undertook me (which incidentally is illegal in this country). I saw him doing this and attempted to speed up to block him inside the slower traffic (I often do this because 1. It makes me feel good when their impatience hasn't paid off, and 2. It's funny to watch them fume). However, my old tractor couldn't keep up with him lump of shit, and he pulled out just before he hit the slower traffic into my path. That was it. I leant on the horn. TWAT.

ARGGHH.. These people wind me up.. What's wrong with just waiting 5 seconds longer? We're all trying to get home, y'know.

Anyway. If you drive like that - I hope you die... or, at least hurt yourself a bit.

Have a nice evening.
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