Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Days of Whine and Woes(es)

I know, I moan alot, but here goes again. What annoys me alot is people who are late. I don't mean dead people, I mean people who can't be arsed to get somewhere on, or before time. Sure, I know problems arise and things occur, but there are some people who are habitual late-shows, or worse no-shows.

My Mum used to have a friend like that - she was always late, and you could count on it. I used to know a guy like that too. In fact, one evening when all my friends had organised a birthday meal, he didn't even bother showing up. His excuse was "Sorry, I had business to attend to.". Business? What business? That was always his excuse. "Business to attend to." He was always a bit secretive like that. Haven't seen him lately.

Perhaps it annoys me so, because I always try to get somewhere early. That way if its not appropriate to show up early, I can just hang about round the corner. Anyway, I tell you this because I'm working from work today, rather than home. Why? Because the department's photographer is supposed to be coming around to take photos of everyone at 11:15... it's now 14:03. Still no sign of him. He better bloody turn up, otherwise I'm going to be annoyed that I could've saved some money, some carbon dioxide and some sanity, and worked from home. Oh well.
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