Thursday, April 21, 2005



Closeup of one of my acoustics

I couldn't really think of anything to take a photo of today, so you've got a closeup of one of my acoustic guitars. I have been working from home today, and have been busy learning about neural networks - the computer immitation of our brains - and have started implementing on one. There's alot to them, though, but I've got another 18 months on my current contract, and so I've got the time to learn.

My gloves have been doing a sterling job today, and completely prevent me getting RSI - until I take them off, which is odd. So I guess I'll be wearing them alot. They're not just for computer use, and in fact were sold by a cross-stitch/knitting company. But they're even good when playing guitar or bodhrán. Today in the breaks I've taken I've learnt two songs from Gráda's CDs that we bought at their concert a week ago. I've learnt Swallow and Diamantina Drover, in case anyone knows those songs. If only I could sing, I might record them.... I might try anyway, although I'm not promising to release it!

I'm back in work tomorrow for a number of meetings, so that's fun for the end of the week... not.
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