Thursday, December 29, 2005


Xmas is Over

Hello to you all!

I hope you had a great Christmas, and thankyou for the messages. We got back from Wales on Tuesday evening and went up my parents' to have yet another Christmas morning, followed by a rather nice St.Stephens Pie made by my mother. This is a Ham, Turkey and white wine sauce pie with a nice topping of baked mash potato. Lovely.

Since then, Daisy and I have mostly stayed in and kept away from the chilly weather outside. However, I did have to nip down to Maplin to get a TV fly lead for my new TV card for my computer. I wish we hadn't, because the car parks at the retail park were choka-block with shoppers (the bastards!). It took us 45 minutes to get out of the car park!

Anyway, very little's going on - just huddled away - me in my new slippers and dressing gown, and Daisy's busy overcoming the post-Christmas crash with some online retail therapy.

We've been making a bunch of plans for next year. We've decided to get some chickens, and we really need to get out and get some horse poo into our vegetable patches. I've also got to get on and get my businesses going - because otherwise we're going to have nothing ready come next October when we want to move back to Wales.
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