Friday, September 02, 2005


Not Much To Report

It's been one of those weeks really. Nothing much to report - just plodding along with things.

Daisy won a spice rack on Ebay recently and that arrived today so on Sunday I've got my work planned to screw the thing to the wall and relieve our larder of some of the extraneous herb jars we have got.

I bought a new 2Gb compact flash card for my camera earlier in the week, and I had a lovely cycle over to my parent's place to pick it up. The new card means I can take 358 photos (in RAW format) or, if I wanted to wear my finger out, over 2,100 in the lowest quality. This is great news, particularly as my wife and I have a trip planned tomorrow.

We're off to the Great Dorset Steam Fair tomorrow. It's going to be incredibly busy, as it's the only Saturday that the fair runs on, and I was hoping to cycle. But it's probably a 14 mile ride there, and the same back, and Daisy doesn't think she's up to it. So that means we'll be stuck in a traffic jam for a while trying to get in, I'm sure. We bought some tickets off one of Daisy's work collegues who was no-longer able to go. It means we also saved a whopping 5 quid on the entrance fee (which would have been £28 for the two of us!). We plan on going early and leaving early, having a rest, then going back in the evening when it turns into a big "fun-fair with steam engines and cider". As you can tell, I'm going to be super snap-happy, so I'll spend some time tonight cleaning my lenses and my camera! Those 358 photos might just be enough.
Ooh have fun!
Looking forward to the pics.
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