Saturday, August 20, 2005


Wedding Videography: After

Well, I had a pretty good day today cycling around after the horse and carriage. The weather was lovely and there were lots of people out on Poole Quay and in Poole Park to wave our bride and groom on their way. I took 1 hour of video, which now needs to be edited down a little into a nice presentation which I can stick on a DVD and give to my sister to give to the groom. The groom is the blacksmith who does my sister's horses shoes. I didn't find the cycling as hard as I expected, actually. Either the horses are going slower than they used to, or I'm fitter ... hmm.. must be the horses going slower! Perhaps it was just because it was a nice flat course, down by the sea.

We had an Indian Takeaway round my folks, and then after we'd headed home, I put the pictures that Daisy took up the computer (see two examples above). Unfortunately, the CF card we're using in her camera seems well dodgy and has buggered up two of the photos. When I was copying these across, Windows XP died on me. When I restarted Digiguide lost all its settings, Thunderbird lost all my email and all the settings I had (and I had a load of email boxes). Fortunately after some scrambling I found all my email again - it was all still there, Thunderbird just forgot about it. Still required a load of fiddling though. Damn computers.

Some point soon, I've got to rekindle the fire under my old beast of a computer that sounds not unlike a jet engine. It has all the video editing capabilities, so it shall be used to make this wonderful presentation - ha! I shall endeavour to post a small video clip when I've finished, although I can't promise, as it might be prohibitively large.

Ahhh, oh for a lie in tomorrow morning!
Whilst you were chasing this horse and carriage all day, did you not get any shite for the allotment?
haha.. there's piles of it available up where my sister keeps the horses... Come winter when all the veg are up, we'll be digging some of that in.
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