Monday, August 29, 2005



Sorry about the dull title, but I couldn't think of anything more encompassing.

It's was an absolutely beautiful day down here in Dorset yesterday (looks like it again today!). The sun was shining, and the sky a deep blue without a cloud in sight. I got up pretty late, but my wife and I eventually set off on a 6 mile cycle ride down to a country house near Poole, called Upton Country House, owned by the local council.

Like alot of the big country houses around here on a bank holiday, they were holding a craft fair. As we'd been to the one held at Kingston Lacy House last year, we decided to look at the Upton one. However, I think everyone else, including the exhibitors, were at the Kingston Lacy one. It took us barely 3 minutes to go around the exhibits, which weren't really all that interesting, to be honest. At least it only cost 50p each to get in.

We wandered around the grounds for a bit, which really are lovely, then we had some lunch at the Peacock Tea Rooms. It was a bit expensive, but it had a unique selling point wandering around.

After having an ice cream, we headed back home and arrived about 3'oclock. I could've sat down in front of the 'puter and did some work on my various websites, but decided I wanted to do something more productive, so I headed into the kitchen and put some more beetroot on to cook.

While they were cooking, I boiled some eggs and made some pickled eggs:

I then went all cheffy and made a wheat-free cake, but a wheat-free cake I didn't have a recipe for. In fact, I combined two recipes. I decided that after yet another day fixing my car, my Dad required another treat. The beetroot that were cooking were going to be his (as we've already got some), but I thought a cake would also go down well.

So, I took the recipes from Esurientes Chocolate and Hazelnute Cake and flourless chocolate cake and made a new cake. I'll post the recipe in another post, to avoid making this post go on forever.

My wife made us a nice broccoli and cheese gratin for tea from the Weightwatchers book 'Time to Eat' (except we used nice cheese!).

We then rushed up Mum and Dads to give them their goodies and have a bit of the cake for afters!!!

We were all ready to go to bed when I was doing a bit of commenting on photo blogs and ended up helping to fix some bits and bobs on Tobias Reynolds photoblog. I'd never used PixelPost before, but it seems quite good (although the layout of the code needs alot to be desired!).

So I got to bed about 1:15am.. a late one for me. Don't think I've been up that late in about 8 years!

I love the photo of the peacock!!
Yeah I was just about to say that! I took a photo of one a little while age, except it was walking off and quite far away.
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