Friday, August 26, 2005


Odds and Sods

I've officially launched my secondary business that is part of my plan for removing myself from the clutches of a really dull office job. It's basically website design, with a selling point that the websites I design will be accessible (that is they'll be easier to use by blind or visually impaired people and people with learning difficulties). So if you want, or know someone who wants a website, I'm your man. The launch involved getting the website online, and that was it. So feel free to visit Helpful Design today!

Ok, plug over.

Just to let you know I've currently got some beets in the oven cooking themselves as I'm making a beetroot pickle this afternoon. Look out for the post soon.

My Dad phoned me up to tell me my car is fixed, which is "great" as it means I can go back to work.
Good luck with the web design job idea.
Sounds like a business that will do well. Are you going to approach possible customers i.e. disability groups or are you going to wait to be approached? I think the correct question is: Are you going to be proactive or responsive?
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