Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Tenrils, Sunflowers and Dents

I was out watering the plants the other night (which are coming along spiffing, incidentally) and I spotted that our pumpkin plants had begun to grown tendrils - just like Biscuits had.

Tendril things.

Not sure what they are for, as I know pumpkins aren't climbers but ground covering plants. That's why they needed 6ft of room to grow. Anyway, when I get around to looking them up in my wonderful Encyclopedia.

On a more positive note, one of my sunflowers has come into bloom! It's not anything like as big as it should be - all the others are still growing - but it seemed content with 5 foot and has come into flower. Very pretty it is too:

Golden Sunflower

Just for scale, you understand.

This evening, after watering our plants, my wife suggested I need to get rid of the mop that was growing all around my head (see previous photo). I am very glad to have my wife chop my hair for me - it saves a fortune! She uses a set of clipper things onto which you can attach combs that fix the cut length. She was merrily cutting away and thud the comb fell off. "Oops" I heard, and a hand was placed over the offending crime scene, as if to hide it from me. This is what she's done to my head... I've got a dent:

I'll have to rename myself Arthur.
haha!!! Arthur Dent!!!

Perhaps the pumpkins are turning into Triffids!

I have a picture of me in Brownie uniform beside sunflowers. I must find it.
Hahaha! Those sunflowers look good. And those tendril bits are just like the ones on my pumpkins. They seem to like curling round other parts of the plant for some reason.
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