Thursday, July 07, 2005



I really must stop buying stuff. Well, maybe. I just bought myself a monitor. A rather nice monitor. It's a TFT and will replace my fine, but rather old, CRT. For an hour now I've been having the usual guilt attacks that spending so much money, basically unnessecarily because my old monitor is fine, is very bad. I could keep that money. Save it.

But what would I do with it then? Spend it, of course. So I might as well just spend it now, innit? It's not putting me in debt to buy this monitor. In fact, my account is still quite rosy. So, what's the problem?

Well, the problem is that my wife doesn't spend much money. She has almost no hobbies. I don't mind this, but it does make me feel bad that I spend so much money and she doesn't. I'm not sure if it's because I feel I should be saving (as it seems its something she believes in), or if it's because I know one day she'll have a big blow out, and I won't be able to help with it :o) I'm not sure I feel I'm spending our money, therefore using some of her share.

Anyway, whatever the reason for feeling bad, I've decided not to bother, as the deed is done. I should just enjoy the anticipation of receiving it.
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