Thursday, July 28, 2005


Salsa Party

Had great fun at the salsa party on Tuesday evening. Turned up on time at 7:30 with all our goodies. As we got there a load of people we didn't recognise were dancing some strange dance. As it turned out it was our teacher's daughter and her dance group preparing a dance to show us all. We laid out our wares with much oohing and ahhing from the people who had turned up. The party quickly got started with our teacher making us salsa dancers do a demonstration to all the non-salsa people who seemed to have turned up. Unfortunately only half of our class has yet arrived, so it was rather embarrassing to be up there strutting our stuff on a nearly empty dancefloor. Various other dances were taught and danced, including a cha-cha-cha, a line dance, and even bollywood. I even got to go up the front with teacher and show off my indian head wobble that I studiously perfected when I was watching Jerry Springer immitating the "Speak to the hand girl coz the face ain't listening".

As promised here are a couple of pictures of people enjoying my biscuits and Dayzee's cakes (ooh err missus).

Much food and Wine - Actually everyone's ignoring our biscuits (just behind the cups) in this picture!

Pete - despite his face, he did enjoy them and now wants to move in with me.

Linda - one of our teachers taking her first bite of paradise.

After "da party" we headed down the pub for a quick pint before flopping into bed rather knackered!

Oh, just trying out a new plugin for the Firefox Greasemonkey plugin that lets me add Technorati tags.

Blimey look at all those people!
heh.. it's a party. It'd be a boring party without people :o)
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