Monday, July 25, 2005


Clock Throwing

Doesn't time fly when it's the weekend? Why don't the weekdays fly by in a whoosh of general relaxation too? I really do regret the way that the 5 days from Monday to Friday seems to take an eternity to pass me by, and Saturday and Sunday barely register during a blink.

I spent this weekend busily rewriting the code for the webpage that will be my business. I had written a generic front to it once before but came to my senses last week and realised it looked a bit shit. So, this weekend I went all out and made it look alot nicer. In particular I spent much effort ensuring that the HTML code was "semantic" - that is, the code is simple HTML and contains no more than is necessary to describe the information I'm trying to purvey, and all the "pretty-pretty" is done in the CSS stylesheets. The reason for this is that visually impaired people use thingies known as screen-readers (like JAWS) that will speak the webpage to them. Navigating a badly written page using a screen-reader is probably like trying to navigate the remnants of programs recorded on a VHS tape. I'm making sure my webpage is a DVD.

This was initially spurred on by the fact that I've eventually gone and smiled sweetly at various "professionals" at the post-office and bank branches, who have peered at my passport and certified that I am who I say I am. This should allow me to get my business bank account, which means I can get on to the next stage of getting an Internet Merchant Account. It also has the advantage that I can now go to Makro and get our household stuff at decent prices; particularly the gallon drums of ketchup I get through in no time. Actually, they're about 1/3rd of a gallon, but it wouldn't have sounded so good.

It's been a pretty crappy day at work so far, mainly because I'm rather too tired to actually think, and being as that's what I'm paid to do, being a researcher and all, it's been pretty unproductive. As I have a dwindling motivation for doing my work, I think I might muster up some interest in doing more to my webpage. The wonder of ADSL means I can work at home from work, as well as working at work from home.

I don't know what I'm going to do with myself tonight now the Tour De France has finished. I guess I need to make some cakes or biscuits for tomorrow night's salsa party.
Biscuits, please, with pics and recipes if poss.
Biscuits here. Oh wait, the other sort of biscuits.
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