Wednesday, May 18, 2005


I Hate Windows

I'm feeling very sad at this moment. I work from home now and again, and I sit here all day in front of my computer. Behind me, outside, is our garden and the bird feeding 'station'. I heard a slight kerfuffle. I turned around and a few birds flew out of the tree. BANG! One slammed into the window and disappeared, leaving just a single feather floating to the ground.

I got up and looked to see if I could see if it was ok. I couldn't see it. I thought I'd go check from the other window in the kitchen.

When I got there I could see a small greenfinch writhing around on its back on the floor. It was tweating like a very quiet seagull. Poor fellow obviously hurt himself - alot. He was looking at me in terror. I turned him over, so he was upright, but he vibrated his wing and ended up back on his back. His neck was turned at a slightly funny angle so I think he must have broken it.

I wasn't sure what to do. The humane thing to do would have been to put him out of his misery, but I am a soppy git and couldn't do it, and besides I'm not sure how to do it. I felt so helpless. I picked him up and put him in the dark under a tree. I will check on him later, and bury him if he's not made it.

I'm very sad. I really don't like windows.
Poor birds. I hate seeing wee birds getting hurt. I don't mind when wasps and things fly into windows, but they seem to bounce off them.

I remember there was a sick bird at the bottom of my garden I used to feed. I can't remember what happened to it, I was very young.
Oh no it's horrid when things like that happen. When I was at the beach a couple of weeks or so I saw a cormorant diving for fish. On the way back, it was dead on the shore! Also I saw a dead starling down the park today as well. It's obviously not a good time for birds at the moment.
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