Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Reading, not watching videos

So far today I've been reading the usual academic papers, all pretty dull stuff.. however, earlier this morning, I found out about the bizarre world of Videoblogging, and the introduction of the new word to describe it, vlog. My first introduction to this was Josh Leo's 'rant' about vlogging, which is very entertaining and inspiring, if not exactly ranty. The community builds as Annie replies to him. I then ended up watching some snippets of Michael Verdi's life as he toured the Big Apple. Michael's written a good intro into how to start making video blogs for free.

All this reminds me of a time a few years ago when I used to do exactly this sort of thing for a mate of mine who lives a few hundred miles away in London. It wasn't exactly daily, or even monthly, but was thoroughly enjoyable, and seeing other people doing it for free is quite inspiring. I love videography and photography and photoblogs and videoblogs are a great way to ensure you keep up the skills in something you enjoy - but getting the time for it is so difficult. Best of all, it's ideal for the voyeur in us all to see how other people live their lives. A show on the BBC called Video Nation tried/s to do this on the TV. It works, but 5 minutes a week is about as often as I thought I'd be updating my blog. Notice that I've still managed one a day? No, didn't think anyone had noticed.
I noticed :)
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