Friday, April 22, 2005


Office Space

Office Space

Last night I watched Office Space. It's a film based, unsurprisingly, around an office and centers on a guy who, like most of us office-workers, are thoroughly fed up with working in one. The plot revolves around Peter who, disenchanted, gets hypnotised. Suddenly not caring any more, he plots to rip off the company, while vowing to not go to work anymore.

However, it's the general well-observed situations that are the best part of this film. Sure, the office and people in the film are exaggerated, but not by a great deal (at least, not in my experience), and the script provides great gags line after line. Although I thought the ending was a little weak, the rest of the film makes up for it.

At only £5.99 for the DVD, it is far cheaper than paying £5.95 each to go to the cinema. It's a must see if you are a software engineer, work in a cubicle office, or have an annoying boss. Unfortunately, all three apply to me. This film will really make you wish you had the courage to do what Peter does.

As the main character, Peter, says, "Human beings were not meant to sit in little cubicles staring at computer screens all day, filling out useless forms and listening to eight different bosses drone on about about mission statements.". Absolutely.
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