Sunday, April 10, 2005



Gah, I just hate the hoards of DIYers that flock to B&Q on any nice weekend. The fact that, to them, I am also one of the hoards doesn't change my view. It's such a pantomime dancing from side to side, ducking the low flying planks of wood and dodging the huge house plants while walking up the aisles, attempting to remember exactly what you need to put up a cupboard on the wall.

Earlier this year we completed the decoration of our second, smaller bedroom and although a couple of small shelves have made it up onto the wall, the major item between its current state and completion is the cupboard. It's a pretty basic affair, but so is my knowledge of DIY. Not really knowing what you're doing, while also spending a great deal on what is essentially cheap wood covered with a cheap veneer, can be quite taxing. Couple this with dodging swarms of other sunny-day decorators and B&Q becomes the mouth to the underworld.

The stress of spending £106 sent me into a spin allday, so I sat down and watched TV most of the afternoon. Damn, I'm such a slob.
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