Friday, September 30, 2005


National Statistics

Don't know if you've ever been to NationMaster. It's an interesting website with all sorts of random statistics about the countries in the world. You can even go and see the country league tables and find out what they're best at.

For example, according to the statistics (and statistics never lie), the UK is top in the world for the total agricultural yield of wheat and barley. How about that? Perhaps unsurprisingly we have the highest number of English language speakers per capita, although ironically, we also have the highest number of asylum seekers too. Perhaps surprisingly, it says we have the highest amount of obese men, although I don't think this data includes America - I mean, how could it? :o)

My most proud statistic has to be that the UK is the top tea consumer. Woo! Get the biscuits.

See here for the UK's other best bits.
Yikes. Brain pain.

The US is the 24th most murderous country in the world. The UK is the 46th. Top that!! ;P
Ah great! Top tea consumer! Yay! We shold definately try and keep that one up.

24th most murderous? Blimey! I wonder what the first is. I'll have a look.
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